VIII Cursa de Sa Sobrasada 2015

Registrations Made

VIII Cursa de Sa Sobrasada 2015
  • Date: 28/11/2015
  • Running
  • Eivissa
  • City: Santa Gertrudis
  • Time: 17:00
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 27/11/2015 22:00
  • Fee: (Price structure)
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VIII Cursa de Sa Sobrasada 2015

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Es Rebentats [T. Bonet, V. Bonet and J. Tur]
Team: Zoklopatas [S. Cardona, G. Fernandez and J. Rodriguez]
Team: Ample32 [A. Guirado, J. López and N. Lebron]
Team: Ample32 [M. Torres, R. Caballero and C. Torres ]
Team: Posidonia Activa Ibiza [A. Ruano, J. Riera and L. Ruiz]
Team: T. Suñer, M. Herráez and A. Stalin
Team: L. Flores , P. Serra and D. Chicote
Team: Fortor Team [C. Riera , V. Mari and D. Guasch]
Team: U-Run W [V. Maroto, E. Roig and V. Perez]
Team: U-Run Pitius [E. Gautheron, C. Fuentes and H. Suárez]
Team: Sobrasada Para Las 3 [E. Escandell, R. Cillán and P. Moedyion]
Team: Malats De Running Eivissa [J. Mayans, M. Sanchez and T. Molio]
Team: Fisioterapia Cirf [J. Planells, O. Martin and S. Mateo]
Team: Los Coladores [S. Navarro, J. Carayol and L. Apolinar]
Team: C. A. Los Pibes [M. Rodriguez, P. Mesas and B. Vela ]
Team: Atletisme Santa Eulària 6 [M. Caballero, J. Ferrer and N. Martin]
Team: un Pelut, un Virot i un Pagès [A. Ruzafa, M. Juan and M. Torres]
Team: G.E. Farts De Figues 2 [M. Cardona, M. Costa and T. Marí]
Team: G.E. Farts de Figues 3 [V. Cardona, E. Costa and M. Valderrama]
Team: Metralletes [E. Lorente , C. Ramon and L. Mestre]
Team: Urun "M" [H. Vázquez, J. Roig and M. Santurde]

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category Route
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