VII Duatló Invertit de Nadal 2016

Registrations Made

VII Duatló Invertit de Nadal 2016
  • Date: 18/12/2016
  • Duatlón
  • Mallorca
  • Location: Polideportivo Miquel Angel Nadal
  • City: Manacor
  • Time: 10:30
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 17/12/2016 22:00
  • Organiza: Agrupació Esportiva Manacor
  • Fee:
    17 €
    14 € *
    * Precio con chip amarillo
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VII Duatló Invertit de Nadal 2016

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Gelas Team [J. Gelabert and M. Gelabert]
Joan Gelabert BTT
Maria Antonia Gelabert Carrera
Team: Amics Des Mallorqui [J. Fernández and J. Rodriguez]
Javito Fernández BTT
Jose Manuel Rodriguez Carrera
Team: Autoctons [T. Bauça and J. Sureda]
Toni Bauça BTT
Joan Sureda Carrera
Team: Fora Son [R. Soler and A. Barceló]
Adrià Barceló BTT
Rafel Soler Carrera
Team: Fast And Furious [C. Barceló and M. Adrover ]
Cristóbal Barceló BTT
Margarita Adrover Carrera
Team: Anirà Bé [A. Lopera and F. Alvarez ]
Federico Alvarez BTT
Alfredo Lopera Carrera
Team: Team "Ar" [A. Fernández and N. Martí]
Antonio Fernández BTT
Nicolas Martí Carrera
Team: Fora Frisar [J. Morey and B. Marco]
Juan Morey BTT
Juan Morey BTT
Barbara Marco Carrera
Team: M. Capó and L. Sanchez
Miquel Capó BTT
Lidia Sanchez Carrera
Team: M. Sanso and J. Mateu
Jaume Mateu BTT
Miquel Joan Sanso Carrera
Team: Jobellollofobo [J. Ballester and L. Fornari ]
Llorenç Fornari BTT
Juan Ballester Carrera
Team: A. Sanchez and C. Riera
Alan Sanchez BTT
Catalina Riera Carrera
Team: Full Gasss Team [J. Lliteras and M. Galmés]
Joan Lliteras BTT
Miquela Galmés Carrera
Team: Tenim Flow!!! [J. Cercos and M. Bover]
Javier Cercos BTT
Maria Bover Carrera
Team: Llucmacity [A. Figueroa and J. Moragues]
Alejandro Figueroa BTT
Joan Moragues Carrera
Team: Picatalons [T. Pasqual and C. Garcia]
Tomas Pasqual BTT
Celia Garcia Carrera
Team: El Mas Y La Menos Mejor [V. Peña and S. Otero]
Vanesa Peña BTT
Serafin Otero Carrera
Team: Daligas [M. Pérez and M. Álvarez]
Miguel Ángel Pérez BTT
Marga Álvarez Carrera

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category
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