XII Duatló Fira de Sa Mel de Llubí 2021

Registrations Made

XII Duatló Fira de Sa Mel de Llubí 2021
  • Date: 14/11/2021
  • Duatlón
  • Mallorca
  • Location: Plaça de l'esglesia
  • City: LLubi
  • Time: 10:30
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 13/11/2021 20:00
  • Fee:
    16 €
    14 € *
    * Precio con chip amarillo
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Esta competición se rige por las normas de la Federación:

Federación de Triatlón (FETRIB) / (FETRI)

The athletes who participate in this competition and are not federated for 2024, will have to pay an extra fee of 5.00 &euro for a day licence.

XII Duatló Fira de Sa Mel de Llubí 2021

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Los Cuñaaaaos [J. Cabanellas and J. Plaza ]
Joantoni Cabanellas Carrera 1000 m.
Javier Plaza BTT 13 Km.
Team: Vila Team [P. Ramis and S. Vila]
Pere Ramis Carrera 1000 m.
Sebastià Vila BTT 13 Km.
Team: Puertas Piza [R. Bisquera and P. Pou]
Pedro Pou Carrera 1000 m.
Rafael Bisquera BTT 13 Km.
Team: Son Mesquidassa [B. Alomar and A. Lakhal]
Adil Lakhal Carrera 1000 m.
Biel Alomar BTT 13 Km.
Team: Incapower [A. Martínez and M. Osuna]
Ascensión Martínez Carrera 1000 m.
Miquel Osuna BTT 13 Km.
Team: Rovellats [B. Puigserver and C. Sureda]
Coloma Sureda Carrera 1000 m.
Bartolome Puigserver BTT 13 Km.
Team: Joans [J. González and J. Florit]
Joan Martí González Carrera 1000 m.
Joan Florit BTT 13 Km.
Team: Team 6kaires [J. Gaya and J. Alomar]
Joan Gaya Carrera 1000 m.
Joan Alomar BTT 13 Km.
Team: Infineathai - Arabay Team [D. Crespí and A. Vallcaneras]
Daniel Crespí Carrera 1000 m.
Antonio Vallcaneras BTT 13 Km.
Team: Infineathai [D. Jimenez and B. Salas]
David Jimenez Carrera 1000 m.
Borja Salas BTT 13 Km.
Team: Més Que Rovellats [B. Moragues and T. Clar ]
Biel Moragues Carrera 1000 m.
Toni Clar BTT 13 Km.
Team: Tira Tira [R. Sastre and T. Jofre]
Toni Jofre Carrera 1000 m.
Rafel Sastre BTT 13 Km.
Team: Tots Al Cofib [B. Pons and M. Tous]
Marta Tous Carrera 1000 m.
Baltasar Pons BTT 13 Km.
Team: Mesquida [J. Mesquida and J. Mesquida]
Julià Mesquida Carrera 1000 m.
Joan Mesquida BTT 13 Km.
Team: Neumatics Sa Pobla [M. Obrador and B. Cladera]
Marti Obrador Carrera 1000 m.
Biel Cladera BTT 13 Km.
Team: No Ho Se [J. Guardiola and P. Sampol ]
Pere Antoni Sampol Carrera 1000 m.
Juan Guardiola BTT 13 Km.
Team: Per A Portar [I. Umaran and P. Juan ]
Pau Andreu Juan Carrera 1000 m.
Iñigo Umaran BTT 13 Km.
Team: A. Bauza and E. González
Eduard González Carrera 1000 m.
Arnau Bauza BTT 13 Km.
Team: S. Darder and B. Bonnín
Bàrbara Bonnín Carrera 1000 m.
Sebastià Darder BTT 13 Km.
Team: Neumatics Sa Pobla (S'Oficial) [F. Obrador and J. Batle ]
Francesc Obrador Carrera 1000 m.
Joan Batle BTT 13 Km.
Team: J. Torrens and T. Sampol
Tonina Sampol Carrera 1000 m.
Joan Torrens BTT 13 Km.
Team: Dali Gasss [J. Perelló and J. Socias]
Jaume Socias Carrera 1000 m.
Juan Perelló BTT 13 Km.
Team: Ai Rafelet [C. Capó and V. Simmerock ]
Carolina Capó Carrera 1000 m.
Vanessa Simmerock BTT 13 Km.
Carolina Capó Carrera 1000 m.
Team: Aula Estudi Team [A. Bauza and A. Guareño ]
Alberto Bauza Carrera 1000 m.
Angel Guareño BTT 13 Km.

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category
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