10/ 5 Millas Ciutat de Maó 2017

Einzelheiten des Wettkampfs

  • Datum: 16/09/2017
  • Laufen
  • Menorca
  • Ort: Ciutat de Maó
  • Uhrzeit: 17:30
  • Angemeldete:
  • Limit: 15/09/2017 15:00
  • Organiza: Unisport Consulting
  • Gebühren:
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Esta competición se rige por las normas de la Federación:

Federacio Atletisme Illes Balears/RFEA 2017

Sportler, die an diesem Wettkampf teilnehmen und nicht dem Verband angehören, müssen für die Tageslizenz eine Gebühr in Höhe von 1.00 € entrichten.

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10/ 5 Millas Ciutat de Maó 2017

Einzelheiten des Wettkampfs

10/5 Milles Ciutat de Maó 


DYNAMIC MENORCA S.L. organises on the 16thSeptember2017, the 2nd“10 MILES and5 MILES CITY OF MAÓ”, which will start at 5.30 p.m. in the Fortress of La Mola (Port de Maó) for the runners of the 10 Miles and at Cala Llonga Urbanization (Passeig dels Mariners street) for the runners of the 5 Miles. There is just one Finishing Line and it will be placed in the Port deMaó (Sea Stations Cruises).


  • 10 Miles(16.090 km)
  • 5 Miles(8.045 km)


The online deadline for registrations will be the 13September 2017, on the web page of the event www.carreramao.com

Last-minute registrations in the Sea Stations Cruises(FINISH) on Friday 15/9/2017from 5 to 8 p.m.

The minimum age to take part in the 10 MILES CITY OF MAÓ is 18.

The minimum age to take part in the 5 MILES CITY OFMAÓ race is 16.

For the under-18s it is essential to have authorisation from their parent/guardian when collecting their number.


  • 10 Miles(16.090 km)
    • Until15/08/17  17 eur + 1 eur insurance for non-federated (+3 eur rental of chip)
    • From16/08/17to 13/09/17 22 eur + 1 eur insurance for non-federated (+3 eur rental of chip)
    • Last-minute registrationeur 32 eur+1 insurance for non-federated (+3 eur rental of chip)


  • 5 Miles(8.045 km)
    • Until15/08/17 12 eur + 1 eur insurance for non-federated (+3 eur rental of chip)
    • From16/08/17 to 13/09/17 eur17eur1 insurance for non-federated (+3 eur rental of chip)
    • Last-minute registrationeur 22eur + 1eur insurance for non-federated (+3 eur rental of chip)


In this edition will be allocated eur 2 each inscription to the Spanish Association against Cancer.

Registration refund policy:

  • Untilthe 31 July REFUND of 50% of the registration
  • From the 1stto 31 AugustREFUNDof 30% of the registration.
  • From the 1stSeptember there will be no refunds whatsoever.

Services included in the registration:

-Commemorative gift of the race


-Web diploma with the time to download, two days after the race

  • Other services for the athlete: • Food and water in race
  • Food and water after race
  • Cloakroom
  • Medical services
  • Transport to start line
  • Accident insurance


Food and water:water at the following kilometre points and on the finishing line.

10 Miles 1st point – 3.61 miles (5,800 m), 2nd point – 7.15 miles (11,500 m), 3rd point FINISH 5 Miles 1st point – 2.12 miles (3,400 m) - 2nd point FINISH


Friday 15 September

  • - 5 p.m.–8 p.m.–Sea Stations Cruises
    • Collection of numbers
    • Last-minute registrations

Saturday 6 May

  • 30a.m.–2 p.m.-Sea Stations Cruises
    • Collection of numbers
    • This day there will be no last-minute registrations
  • 30 p.m.–Fortress of La Mola –Maó
    • Start 10 MILES CITY OF MAÓ
  • 30 p.m.–Cala Llonga Urbanization (Passeig dels Marinersstreet)
    • Start 5 MILES CITY OFMAÓ
  • 55 p.m.–FINISHING LINESea Stations Cruises
    • Expected arrival first classifiers 5 Miles.
  • 20 p.m.–FINISHING LINESea Stations Cruises
    • Expected arrival first classifiers10 Miles.
  • 30 h CLOSING FINISHING LINE. Any runner who has not crossed the finishing line in this time range will be disqualified.



Classifications will be made for each of the categories listed:

  • General classification men
  • General classification women


The following classifications according to the age of the participants in 10 miles and 5 miles (all the winners will receive a trophy):

  • Juvenile (born in 2000 and 2001) (16 – 17 inclusive) *(only 5 miles)
  • Junior (born in 1998 and 1999) (18 – 19 inclusive)
  • Hopeful (born between 1995 and 1997) (20 – 22 inclusive)
  • Senior (born between 1983 and 1994) (23 – 34 inclusive)
  • M35/W35 (born between 1978 and 1982) (35 – 39 inclusive)
  • M40/W40 (born between 1973 and 1977) (40 – 44 inclusive)
  • M45/W45 (born between 1968 a1nd 1972) (45 – 49 inclusive)
  • M50/W50 (born between 1963 and 1967) (50 – 54 inclusive)
  • M55/W55 (born between 1958 and 1962) (55 – 59 inclusive)
  • M60/W60 (born between 1953 and 1957) (60 – 64 inclusive)
  • M65/W65 (Born in 1952 and previous years)



The organisation will publish the official classifications on the official web page of the event, from which time any claims can be made if thought appropriate. All the classifications are the sole and exclusive responsibility of the Committee of Judges and Timekeepers of the FAIB (Athletics Federation of the Balearic Islands).


  • 10 Miles: the first 3 classified in the men’s and women’s categories.
    • The two winners of the10 Miles will each receive 10 kg of DO Mahón-MenorcaCheese.
  • 5 Miles: the first 3 classified in the men’s and women’s categories.
    • The two winners of the5 Miles will each receive 5kg of DO Mahón-MenorcaCheese.
  • By categories, of10 miles and 5 miles, trophies will be awarded to the winner of each category listed in the corresponding section.



Sea Stations Cruises(FINISH)

Friday 15September5–8 p.m.–last minute number collection and registration.

Saturday16 September9.30 a.m. –2 p.m.–Collection of numbers (This day there will be no last-minute registrations).

To withdraw the number,it will be essential to have an official ID document (ID, passport, driver’s license) and know the assigned number.

The participant who cannot go in person to withdraw their number may authorise another person. There is a form which the authorised person must bring, duly filled out, along with their ID card and a photocopy of the ID of the participant. This document can be downloaded from the web or in the registration confirmation mail.

TRANSPORT OF PARTICIPANTS:theOrganisation will make available to the participants, with prior notification on the registration form, a transport service to the starting line.

All participants, along with their number, will be given the ticket for boarding the bus.

The bus for the 10-mile race will depart at 4:30 pm, from the parking lot of the Sea Stations Cruises.

The starting line of 10 Miles , in the Fortaleza de la Mola, has parking for private cars, however it is useful to know that the road to la Mola will be closed from 4.30 pm.m and in case someone does not leave the Mola before the start, then should wait after the race line.

The bus for the 5 Miles runners will leave at 4.45 p.m. from the Sea Stations Cruises.

The organization strongly recommends using the free transportation (for participants only) that are provided for this purpose as the road suffer major traffic restrictions.

MEDICAL SERVICE:there will be a doctor responsible for this service.

Each runner participates under his or her own full responsibility and states that they have sufficient physical fitness to compete in the race. The Organisation recommends that all runners undertake a medical check-up and/or test of strength before running in the race.

AMBULANCE SERVICE: there will be a service at the back of the race in each event and at the finish line.

RACE INSURANCE:All the officially registered participants will be covered by an insurance policy approved by the organisation, which covers the accidents that may occur as a result as a direct consequence of the development of the race, but never originating from an illness of latent defect, injury, imprudence, negligence, inobservance of the law and the conditions of the regulations etc., or those produced in travel to and from the place where the race takes occurs.

The Organisation denies all liability for damages that the participants may suffer from or cause to third parties hours after their participation in the race.

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