Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.
Name | Year | Gender | Club | Category | |
Team: Los Cuarenta Y. [M. Fernandez and C. Rosa]
Team: M. Riera and B. Costa
Team: Nam Ben Forts [J. Mas and M. Cornet]
Team: Malalts [. and J. Monrroig]
Team: J. Mora and M. Rodriguez
Team: Es Malalts 1 [M. Fullana and P. Pocovi]
Team: Els Malalts [M. Munar and A. Llinas]
Team: . and .
Team: M. Garcia and L. Garcia
Team: M. Sancho and J. Adrover
Team: P. Sureda and J. Torrens
Team: P. Pocovi and E. Sancho
Team: M. Gelabert and M. Puigròs
Team: Cara Nord [R. Perello and G. Perello]
Team: Rapa [. and P. Torrandell ]
Team: T. Sastre and T. Sacarés
Team: Cabrini Y Mena Team [J. Company and A. Gaya]
Team: Torrens I Rossello [J. Torrens and J. Rosselló]
Team: Los Del Barça [J. Fernandez and B. Pallicer]
Team: J. Lares-Franco and .
Team: Es Mal.Lalts [J. Mas and S. Masullo]
Team: P. Siquier and A. Cladera
Team: M. Homar and J. Palou
Team: J. Provensal and J. Llompart
Team: S. Ruiz and R. Bennasar