Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.
Name | Year | Gender | Club | Category | |||||||||||||
Team: U Galls Trotadors [M. Capó, A. Vives, M. Cifre and J. Vives]
Team: Garbanzo [J. Martinez, X. Cladera , M. Quetglas and B. Martinez]
Team: Gastrorunners [J. Coll, J. Gonzalez, G. Bassa and C. Pascual]
Team: Vodka Junior [A. Suarez, M. Ibarrondo, M. Franco and D. Carrasco]
Team: Uberginis [J. Payeras, J. Barceló, G. Company and P. Vanrell ]
Team: Es Molins Centre D'Estudis [J. Tomàs , J. Ramis, R. Ramis and L. Cerdà ]
Team: Exsel.Lentes [M. Darder, C. Serra, M. Llompart and M. Llompart]
Team: Super Power Team [C. Serrano, L. Caparas, J. Gutiérrez and S. Conzen]
Team: Les Ovelles Negres [B. Crespí, J. Pol, X. Huerta and I. Morales]
Team: Espanyaaaaaa! [J. Roy Nadal, J. Cantarellas , J. Capo and T. Comas]
Team: Pollitos [A. Contreras, J. Agd, S. Aguado and P. Ortelli]
Team: Tomb Raider - Activa'T Salut I Esport [J. Company, C. Torrandell, C. Martinez and C. Gost]
Team: Los Increíbles - Activa'T Salut I Esport [J. Company, F. Serra, M. Crespí and M. Rosselló ]
Team: Olimpiacojos [M. Gost, T. Amengual, P. Oliver and D. Lavado]
Team: Specials Olimpics [J. Munar, A. Llobera, I. Canals and J. Muntaner]
Team: Ses Cristalimpiales [J. Nicolau, P. Serra, M. Amer and T. Comes]
Team: Comando Gop [P. Garcia, T. Olmo, M. Palou and C. Olmo]
Team: Ja Nedam Indios [A. Ojeda , A. Ojeda, C. Vacas and N. Vacas]
Team: Ja Nedam Vaqueros [C. Polo, M. Robles, R. Pons and L. Muñoz]
Team: Tot Esport [P. Segura, P. Cañellas, L. Crespí and B. Aguló]
Team: Fresonas Rebeldes [N. Pons, C. Bennassar , A. Juan and M. Ballester]
Team: Fresonas Tardonas [M. Crespí, C. Triay , S. Siquier and A. Soler]
Team: Fresonas Solteronas [A. Serra, M. Triay , M. Munar and P. Serra]
Team: Aupapatxi [B. Noceras, M. Ferragut, P. Noceras and A. Ferragut]
Team: Internet Explorer [A. Horrach, V. Juan, C. Llompart and S. Serra]